Properties and benefits of the figs:

  • Significantly promote digestion.
  • They are beneficial for people with diseases of the heart, hypertension, etc. due to its high potassium content and at the same time low in sodium.
  • For his high contribution in fiber, figs and figs are very beneficial for improving intestinal, as well as cases of constipation. It is a mild laxative.
  • The contribution of antioxidants helps the body fight free radicals, reducing the risk of degenerative diseases and cancer, especially the colon.
  • Lower cholesterol levels, due to the effect of the fiber to minimize or delay its absorption.
  • Thanks to the content of provitamin A, the figs are good allies to maintain our bones, hair, skin, and mucous membranes.
  • Prevent anemia, since iron and vitamins C and B manufacture red blood cells.
  • Figs provide high amounts of potassium, which favours the production of muscle mass, regulates the nervous system and heart rate. In addition potassium also favors regulation of body fluids.